My Boy

Wow.. Today I have a 7yr old boy... Yeah I know yesterday he was 6 and 1 day is not a huge change but really.. He is a 5th of my age..

A few things about this kid..

Quaid has always had a spot in my heart... He is my first born... In old days that meant he got the biggest part of the inheritance... Which brings me to what does that mean... Most would think monetary or literal things... But my bigger concern is that I am giving him a greater inheritance... Am I investing the right things... Things that the world may think of as old fashioned or outdated...

Self control
Courtship (this one in another 8 years or so)
Old fashioned things like Yes Sir, Yes Maam, thank you and please, opening doors for people etc etc...

Funny thing is I look over that list and wonder how many of those things listed I am actually fit to teach any of my kids... I fail my kids often in many ways and they are so forgiving and it reminds me that each day is a new day to invest again...

Quaid is an amazing boy for a 7yr old... 2 yrs in a row he has won an award at his kids Awana class (like a youth group for kids)... He stacks the dishwasher everyday and is always absorbing information from everything... He has read like 2-3 book in the last week or so, and when I say books I am not talking Dr Suess but a book called Boxcar Children as an example.

Today he got a new bible and though some of the words even I struggle with, he still read thru it with gusto...

Deb gave him a Nintendo DS a while back that Karen won on Debs blog, but we didn't have games for it...

He hasn't asked about it or for it in like 2mths but last week when he was telling me how it was his birthday on Saturday he dropped some subtle hints about how he hoped he got a game for his DS... Well he got 3 games and although I think they may take a bit for him to play, when I went in to say goodnight he was onto his 3rd game...

He has really started to grasp the idea that he is like a hero to his Lil bro Jentzen, and this last week he has gone out of his way to teach/encourage Jentzen to ride his own bike without the training wheels.. In fact Jentzen now pops a little wheelie and can do skids like a dude....

Anyway... Quaid you are a delight to my heart, your spirit shines bright and your emotions you wear openly, which in your generation some may think is weak, but truly it is a rare trait and one I hope you carry as you grow to a man and raise your own family... I love you son and I am so honored to be your dad.

-- Post From My iPhone


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